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Colombo Tour

Colombo Tour

per person

Colombo, the capital city of Sri Lanka, is a vibrant and bustling metropolis that offers a blend of modernity and history. It serves as the country’s economic and cultural hub, and while it may not be as historically rich as some other cities in Sri Lanka, it has its own unique charm and attractions. Start your Colombo tour at Independence Square, a symbolic location for Sri Lanka’s history. This monument commemorates the country’s independence from British colonial rule in 1948 and is surrounded by beautifully landscaped gardens. Don’t miss the opportunity to savor the diverse and delicious food in Colombo. From street food stalls to high-end restaurants, the city offers a wide range of culinary experiences. Be sure to try Sri Lankan specialties like hoppers, kottu roti, and seafood.

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    Colombo Tour
    Personal Guide
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Gangarama Temple
Gangaramaya is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Colombo, started by the famous scholar monk Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala Nayaka Thera in the late 19th Century. After the Venerable Sri Sumangala, his chief pupil Devundera Sri Jinaratana Nayake Thera took on the administration of the temple. It was he who laid the foundation to convert the little temple to an institute of international reckoning. The next chief incumbent was the Ven. Devundara Keerthi Sri Sumangala Jinaratana Vacissara Thera, the teacher of the Ven. Galboda Gnanissara, who worked to make the Gangaramaya what it is today: much more than a temple in the conventional term, but a place of worship, a seat of learning and a cultural centre.
Colombo City Centre
Colombo City Centre is a 47-storey mixed-use development. Colombo City Centre comprises a five storey retail space which consists of 3,675 m², including a 164-room hotel and 192 residential apartments. The building is situated opposite Beira Lake, on Sir James Pieris Mawatha.
Red Mosque
Colombo Red Mosque, also known as Jami Ul-Alfar Masjid, is literally an architectural wonder for the world that would stun you with its unusual color patterns and unconventional yet amazing design. Located in Pettah district, this oldest mosque towers over the buildings and streets in the neighborhood with its tall minarets and had been once a reliable landmark for the sailors coming towards Colombo port. Here both men and women are granted access, but you have to be clad in decent clothes and cover your head and respect the customs. The unconventional red tone has won the name,' red mosque', for this beauty.
Prime minister’s Office
The Prime Minister's Office is a ministry of the Government of Sri Lanka. It provides the administrative and institutional framework for the exercise of the duties and responsibilities vested in the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. From 1947 to 1978 it was the most powerful office within the government. However, after the creation of the executive presidency in 1978 the post of Prime Minister became more or less nominal and functions as a deputy to the President, with a few exceptions.
Galle face
Sri Lanka, being an island, is known for her amazing beaches and views of the sea. However, in Colombo,it isn’t always easy to find a place where you can enjoy the crashing of the waves and most of all, an undisturbed view of the sunset. Galle Face Green thus attracts a large number of people, especially during the evening, although it is rarely empty, even in the afternoon when there is very little shelter from the scorching sun.
Colombo Port City
Port City Colombo’s compelling and competitive offerings, for Businesses of Strategic Importance, which are combined with clear and modern regulations, which are in place to meaningfully advance the business environment at the Port City Colombo Special Economic Zone, positioning it as the leading business hub in the region.
Lotus Tower
Colombo Lotus Tower is a 350 meters high tower located in D.R. Wijewardena Mawatha (McCallum Road) in Colombo 10. The lotus-shaped tower was officially declared open on 16th September 2019. It is the tallest completed tower in South Asia and the second tallest structure in South Asia just coming behind the INS Kattabomman in India. It is also the 11th tallest completed tower in Asia and the 19th tallest completed tower in the world. The tower which is visible throughout Colombo and its suburbs, will be used for observation, communication and various other leisure activities. It includes a telecommunications museum, hotel, restaurants, auditorium, and an observation deck. It will function primarily as a radio/television and telecom transmission hub with a secondary tourism and entertainment function. It gives a panoramic view of the entire city of Colombo.
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