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Zip Lining

13 Nov

Zip Lining

Flying Ravana Adventure park is one of a kind experience available in Sri Lanka, located amidst the luscious green estates of Ella. Completed with its pride, Sri Lanka’s first-ever Mega zip-line. The two-wire zip-line stretches for more than half a kilometer, slides at 80kmph, and offers a bird’s-eye view of the beautiful hills of the island.

Get on board at Mini Adam’s Peak and fly over iconic tea estates and lush greenery overlooking the famous Ella Gap. Zip-lines are certified by European Rope Course Association (ERCA) for maximum passenger safety.

The adventure park is exclusively designed for adventure enthusiasts and adrenaline junkies who prefer a not-so-ordinary hillside experience, offering ATV/quad bike rides, Abseiling, Archery, and Air rifling for a gripping outdoor experience. Flying Ravana is truly, Ella in all its glory.


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