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Ella Rock Trekking

16 Nov

Ella Rock Trekking

Some of Sri Lanka’s best hiking is to be found in Ella, which is probably, aside from traveling, my all-time favourite activity. Ironically, Ella was our least favourite place in Sri Lanka. Described by the Lonely Planet as a secret mountainside haven, we very quickly realized it was not much more than a shamble collection of ‘green eco-bliss homestays’ offering a serene nature escape shrouded in diesel fumes, surrounded by half-finished construction projects and buried in rubbish.

Having said all that, let's focus on the three beautiful parts of Ella that I truly loved. And hopefully you'll be able to find a nicer place to stay further out of town to capture a tiny bit of what's left of the 'mountain serenity'.

Ella will continue to draw tourists thanks to the fabulous hiking in the area which is what this post is all about. But be warned, expect bad service in the majority of the hotels (because they don’t need to provide fantastic service to guarantee No Vacancy, unfortunately). Now, in most of my travel posts I also provide a suggestion on where to stay, but our experience was so bad (dirty floors, rude staff, lacking in basic amenities, etc.) I don’t even want to mention where we stayed.


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