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17 Nov


Experience “The Gathering,” a name given to the elephants that assemble on the banks of the Kaudulla Tank during the dry season. The Kaudulla Elephants gathering, according to wildlife officials, is one of the world’s largest gatherings of wild Asian elephants at any given time. View the famous elephants as they graze on the grass growing on the Kaudulla tank bed. Perhaps you’ll spot any of the park’s diverse wildlife, including deer, wild buffalo, grey langurs, purple-faced leaf monkeys, porcupines, and assorted birds.

In Sri Lanka's Kaudulla National Park, which is home to a broad diversity of animals, you might find the largest concentration of wild Asian elephants in the entire world

This is an all-inclusive private jeep safari in Kaudulla National Park in the afternoon focusing mainly on Elephants and Birds. Kaudulla National Park is the northern part of Minneriya National Park and is only separated by Habarana – Polonnaruwa road. Based on the water sources available, Elephants in the area roam freely within Minneriya National Park and Kaudulla National Park. When you book a safari in Kaudulla National Park or Minneriya National Park, safari jeep driver will decide which national park to go based on the movement of the Elephants.


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