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17 Nov


Experience Sri Lanka’s first drive-through safari park. Divided into six zones, this 500-acre park is home to an interesting wildlife mix. You can tour the park by bus or a safari jeep while watching the animals roam freely. Expect zebras and giraffes amidst unique creatures like Bactrian camels, Indian blue bulls and African cape buffaloes. The main highlights here are the Bengal tigers, African lions and Sri Lankan elephants—so be sure to keep your eyes peeled.

To maximize your trip, combine your visit to the safari with nearby attractions in Hambantota like the Birds Park or Mirijjawila Botanical Garden.

Ridiyagama Safari Park is a 500-acre safari park, a zoo in the Ridiyagama area of Hambantota District, Sri Lanka. It is the 1st of its kind in Sri Lanka because you can see most of the animals in the animal kingdom on the planet earth here including the lion king, Bengal tiger, Ostrich, Camel, Kangaroo, and various animals from the other part of the world. Due to its classification of Animals, it is possible to see almost all of the animals in one day. It’s an open zoo and a new concept for Sri Lanka. Basically, humans are the ones who are caged and animals roam free. Humans have to travel in covered buses or safari jeeps to sight the animals. This park consisting of tigers, lions, zebras, and elephants has still scope for improvement. And they’re working on adding new varieties of animals and extending the park.


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