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Explore Cinnamon Plantation

19 Nov

Explore Cinnamon Plantation

Sri Lanka is the world’s largest producer and exporter of pure cinnamon to the world and pure Ceylon Cinnamon Suppliers from Sri Lanka claim 90% of global market share. Cinnamon grown and produced in Sri Lanka has acquired long standing reputation in the international market due to its unique quality, colour, flavour and aroma. With growing concerns about health hazards associated with synthetic flavoring agents in the food industry, there is an increasing preference for natural flavours worldwide. Cinnamon is used as a food ingredient in bakery products, Asian foods, and tea for its distinctive flavour and aroma.

Cinnamomum Zeylanicum is a tree indigenous to Sri Lanka which produces the highest-grade pure cinnamon.

 Cinnamon differs both physically and chemically to Cassia. Ceylon Cinnamon, referred to as both sweet cinnamon and true cinnamon, is considered superior to the variety known as Cassia a cheaper and inferior product. The unique method of processing and curing of cinnamon entices its characteristic flavour. The preparation of cinnamon quills involves a combination of art and skill unique to Sri Lanka and has been handed down from generation to generation. Cinnamon quills, with standard lengths and diameters are made out of Ceylon Cinnamon – grown and manufactured solely in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Cinnamon is categorised into four major grades – Alba, Continental, Mexican and Hamburg based on the diameter of the quill, where the most expensive (Alba) has a 6 mm diameter quill. Furthermore, value-added Cinnamon products such as oil, powder and tablets are also produced and exported to a large number of countries.


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