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Explore White Tea plantation

19 Nov

Explore White Tea plantation

An ancient Chinese tradition lost in the sands of time for over 4000 years, where the Chinese Emperor employed virgins wearing soft silky gloves to cut the tea leaves with gold scissors into a golden bowl. The leaves, with the help of the divine wind, were dried naturally until ready to store. It was a drink exclusively served in the Imperial court and was, even then, considered particularly beneficial to health.Virgin White Tea is the rarest type of white tea, completely untouched by humans from the tea bush to production and until it reaches the lips of the consumer. This tea is Rich with antioxidants and is passionately handcrafted for a unique tea experience.

The flavor of Virgin White Tea is as prized as it is elusive. From brewing to tasting, this supremely delicate tea is an experience that should be enjoyed with all your senses. Herman Teas offers a variety of exquisite white teas from Gourmet White Tea to Signature Virgin White Tea for your pleasure.

Nestled between an evergreen rainforest and the vast blue Indian Ocean is the Handunugoda Tea Estate where Herman’s Virgin White Tea is manufactured, following the Chinese legend of making Virgin White Tea keeping in with the imperial tradition of “Never touched by a Human”. At dawn women wearing delicate gloves, fine pluck the imperial harvest with golden scissors, taking care not to harm the delicate tea buds and at no moment does the hands of the pluckers touch these buds.Thereafter these buds are dried using only filtered sunlight.The gloves prevent any risk of contamination leaving the tea immaculate.


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