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Sea Fishing Activities

20 Nov

Sea Fishing Activities

Nestled amidst the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka is a treasure trove of marine life and exotic sea creatures. Deep sea fishing is a favored leisure activity among both visitors and locals alike. This captivating island stands out as one of the premier destinations for game fishing in Asia, catering to first-time enthusiasts and seasoned anglers alike.

Deep sea fishing is a kind of fishing that requires a trip out into ocean and its deep waters and requires a trip up the intercostal waterway out into the ocean far from land, the water depth should be at least 30m to be considered deep sea fishing area.

It is one of the most interesting traditional fishing methods of Sri Lanka.Ritipanna is the Sinhalese term for stilt fishing. It is a method of fishing unique to the island country of Sri Lanka, located off the coastal of India in the Indian ocean. A narrow pole is tied to a stick that is anchored on the sea bed. Fisher folk climb onto thik stick and settle on the pole for a few hours in an effort to catch some fish. Ahangama, Koggala, Welipenna,Kathaluwa and Thalarambe if the most famous places to see stilt fishing.


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