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Turtle Watching

21 Nov

Turtle Watching

Of the seven species of sea turtles in the world, there are five types of turtles that you can see in Sri Lanka.While the Olive Ridley Turtle and the Green Turtle are commonly spotted on the island’s shores, the Hawksbill Turtle, the Loggerhead Turtle, and the Leatherback Turtle are a different story.What you see depends on where you go, and choosing the excursions below will increase your chances of seeing some, if not all, of the sea turtle species known to Sri Lanka.

With its powdery sands and crystalline waters, the coastal town of Hikkaduwa is a popular tourist destination, and we are spotlighting its Turtle Beach as one of the best places to see turtles in Sri Lanka.
As bizarre as it sounds, Turtle Beach offers you the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pick up some kelp or seaweed that has washed ashore and to hold it out for a lucky turtle to snatch out of your hands. It is hardly a surprise that children enjoy this surreal experience the most, as it lets them become waiters at a diner open exclusively for turtles. A trip to Turtle Beach is best left for days when the sun is out. Morning hours are better than the late afternoons, as there will be less people lining up to feed these beautiful creatures. The sea turtles in Turtle Beach come ashore on a daily basis. So, feel free to stop by anytime! [/vc_column_text]

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