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17 Nov


Delve into the enchanting world of Wasgamuwa National Park with our private safari experience. Our expert guides will lead you through this wilderness, where you can witness elephants, leopards, and an array of bird species. Book your exclusive Wasgamuwa National Park Private Safari for an extraordinary adventure.

The ideal time to visit the park is during November to May, which guarantees you large herds of elephants. For those who are planning to explore the ancient city of Polonnaruwa and Dambulla

Discover the opulence of the flora and fauna in the dry tropical forest setting, overlooking the stunning landscape of the park. Enjoy a Wasgamuwa safari ride filling your lungs with the refreshing air of the pristine wild and listening to the symphony of crickets and birds. Rest assuring you the sights of mighty Elephants in a Wasgamuwa safari ride, the national park is also a home for a diverse of mammals including the Leopard, Sloth Bear, Purple-faced Langur Monkey, Wild Boar, Sambar Deer, Spotted Deer, Water Buffalo. Small water pools scattered, throughout the national park are rich habitats for a diversity of aquatic life including water monitor, crocodile, python and various beautiful aquatic birds. This provide the wildlife-lovers with clear sights of wildlife around the pools, offering them a world of opportunities to snap your cameras for clear shots to take home.


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